image/svg+xml Arterien des Oberschenkels (Schema ventral) 17. Februar 2018 Marshall C. Strother; deutsche Bearbeitung Hellerhoff Deutsch vasculature artery thigh schema A schematic depiction of the arteries of the thigh based on similar schemas from Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy (3rd edition) and Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy (5th edition).
Circumpatellar anastomosis. (Medial superior genicular labeled at upper right, fourth from top.) Latin: arteria superior medialis genus: Gray's: subject #159 633: Branches: Branch to vastus medialis, branch to surface of the femur and the knee-joint
superior lateralis genus 3. a. media genus 4. a. inferior medialis genus 5. a.
on femoral artery; 2.on popliteal artery; 3. posterior tibial artery in the medial maleolar canal (between tendon Achilles and medial maleola) 4. on a. Dorsalis pedis (projection su·pe·ri·or lat·er·al ge·nic·u·lar ar·ter·y.
74 Medial superior artery of knee 75 Lateral superior artery of knee 74 A. superior medialis genus 75 A. superior lateralis genus 76 A. inferior medialis genus
Synonym(s): arteria superior medialis genus [TA], medial superior genicular artery Superior medial genicular artery — Artery: Superior medial genicular artery The femoral artery. (Medial sup.
The lateral superior genicular artery is a branch of the popliteal artery that supplies a portion of the knee joint.
a. media genus. a. inferior lateralis genus. a.
It runs underneath
The superior genicular arteries (aa. genu superiores; superior articular arteries), two in number, arise one on either side of the popliteal, and wind around the femur immediately above its condyles to the front of the knee-joint. arteria superior medialis genus. Look at other dictionaries: Superior medial genicular artery — Artery: Superior medial genicular artery The femoral artery.
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Origin, popliteal; distribution, knee joint; anastomoses, descending genicular, lateral superior genicular, i.e., the articular vascular network of the knee.
76 Medial inferior
Suprapiriform foramen: the superior gluteal artery, veins and nerve pass The medial circumflex femoral artery (arteria circumflexa femoris medialis): it Rete articulare genus is located on the anterior surface of the knee under th
20 May 2013 The superficial branch supplies vastus lateralis and anastomoses with the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral and lateral inferior
a. thoracica superior a.
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Then, the saphenous nerve and artery and vein of genus descendens exit femoral artery, femoral vein, nerve to the vastus medialis and the saphenous the adductor magnus muscle and lying adjacent and superior to the adductor tendon
Synonyms: arteria genus superior medialis, medial superior genicular artery. (05 Mar 2000) It and its branches supply the teardrop muscle (vastus medialis), the femur, and the knee-joint with oxygenated blood. The artery and its branches merge (anastomosis) with the lateral superior arteria superior medialis genus. genicular artery medial inferior; genicular artery middle; Look at other dictionaries: mid·dle ge·nic·u·lar ar·ter·y. [TA] origin, popliteal; distribution, synovial membrane and cruciate ligaments of knee joint. Synonym (s): arteria media genus [TA], arteria articularis azygos, arteria genus media. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012.
Anastomotica Superior, PNA) se Lista över Anat. villkor. Pulmonary artery tromboembolism (där venöst blod strömmar från hjärtat till lungorna) ligamentum transversum genus; Lateral meniskus av knä-meniskus lateralis articulationis
inferior medialis genus. a.
Poplitea by placing a roll in the popliteal fossa and calf maximal flexion. The pulse could be palpated: 1. on femoral artery; 2.on popliteal artery; 3. posterior tibial artery in the medial maleolar canal (between tendon Achilles and medial maleola) 4. on a. Dorsalis pedis (projection su·pe·ri·or lat·er·al ge·nic·u·lar ar·ter·y. [TA] origin, popliteal; distribution, knee joint; anastomoses, lateral circumflex femoral, third perforating, anterior tibial recurrent, lateral inferior genicular, that is, the articular vascular network of the knee.