

Jean-Pierre Deflandre is Professor at IFP School in the Georesources and Energy domain. He co-holds the CarMa chair “Carbon Management and negative CO2 emissions technologies towards a low carbon future”. He is also the Project leader of the Energy Transition MOOC.

The IFP School MOOCs*, Supported by Total Foundation, Enjoy More Success With Over 15,000 People Enrolled in More Than 110 Countries IFP School is part of IFP Energies Nouvelles , a public body conducting research and offering master-level courses in energy and sustainable mobility. IFP School has launched its new MOOC "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future" which begins on March 18. Jean-Pierre Deflandre, project manager, tells us more about this new free and certifying online training course supported by Total Foundation and Tuck Foundation. Jean-Pierre Deflandre is Professor at IFP School in the Georesources and Energy domain. He co-holds the CarMa chair “Carbon Management and negative CO2 emissions technologies towards a low carbon future”.

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The MOOC tackles the following themes: Energy transition challenges (demand, resources, environment, global warming, etc.). IFP School has launched its new MOOC "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future" which begins on March 18. Jean-Pierre Deflandre, project manager, tells us more about this new free and certifying online training course supported by Total Foundation and Tuck Foundation. The IFP School MOOCs*, Supported by Total Foundation, Enjoy More Success With Over 15,000 People Enrolled in More Than 110 Countries IFP School is part of IFP Energies Nouvelles, a public body conducting research and offering master-level courses in energy and sustainable mobility. IFP School firmly believes that technological innovations related to mobility will have a major impact when it comes to taking up the environmental challenges.

Challenges ahead : Greenhouse gases emission, Fuel cost, Local air pollution, Traffic congestion, ParkingDecarbonizing transportImproving energy efficiencySm

Coventry University has been ranked as the world's best provider of online courses, out of more than 200 universities across the  del acuerdo estratégico de la Fundación YPF con el IFP School de Francia, una de Los Mooc (Massive Open Online Courses ) son una tendencia global en  Awesome online school to study. Very flexible and convenient. I have learn a lot during my MOOC online training, thanks IFP. Can't wait for my certificate in  [Et si vous profitiez du week-end pour vous inscrire au MOOC « Tomorrow's mobility » ?] · IFP School. 465 visningar · 25 september.

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12 Mar 2019 The effort estimated to complete the course is 2-3 hours per week. You can sign up here: http://mooc-energytransition.ifp-school.com/ 

After the success of the first two sessions, IFP School is launching its third edition of the MOOC on energy transition: "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future", with the support of Total Foundation and in association with Fondation Tuck. 2016 class -IFP MOOC Supported By Total – Register Now! by ideology(m): 7:34am On May 02, 2015 Interested in taking part in the first specialized Oil & Gas Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)? With the support of Total, IFP School, is offering a free online course, which will … IFP School is a unique technical university which promotes “learning by doing”. In this MOOC, you will make the most of the new possibilities offered by MOOC technology. You will experiment with a new interactive way to learn while applying your knowledge to real case studies in a “serious game”, designed specifically for this MOOC!

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First specialized Oil & Gas MOOC launched by IFP school with the support of Total IFP School est une école d´application qui apporte à des étudiants et jeunes professionnels du monde entier une formation dans les domaines de l'énergie répondant aux besoins de l'industrie et aux demandes de la société en particulier en matière de développement durable et d'innovation. This MOOC is intended either for students and professionals interested in the energy transition challenges and innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emissions. But more specifically it is intended for those willing to gain knowledge about developing a decarbonized energy mix based on both renewables and natural gas, underground CO2 and energy storage, energy efficiency and CO2 abatements in IFP School has launched its new MOOC "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future" which begins on March 18.
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20K likes · 132 talking about this · 4,487 were here. IFP School offers applied graduate programs for students from all over the world that meet the needs of À l’occasion de la Semaine européenne du développement durable, IFP School lance la 3 e édition du Mooc sur la mobilité de demain Les inscriptions sont ouvertes ! Suite au large succès des deux premières éditions de son Mooc sur la Mobilité de demain – plus de 8 500 inscrits et un taux de satisfaction global de 94 % - IFP School, propose à nouveau ce Mooc réalisé en A partir du 5 novembre 2018 et sur 4 semaines. Après le succès de la troisième édition de son précédent MOOC sur la Mobilité durable – plus de 5 700 inscrits et un taux de satisfaction de 95 % - IFP School lance un tout nouveau MOOC sur la Mobilité de demain, réalisé en collaboration avec IFP Training et Vedecom.

This MOOC is intended either for students and professionals interested in the energy transition challenges and innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emissions. But more specifically it is intended for those willing to gain knowledge about developing a decarbonized energy mix based on both renewables and natural gas, underground CO2 and energy storage, energy efficiency and CO2 abatements in IFP School has launched its new MOOC "Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future" which begins on March 18. Jean-Pierre Deflandre, project manager, tells us more about this new free and certifying online training course supported by Total Foundation and Tuck Foundation. IFP School lance, avec le soutien de la Fondation Total et en association avec la Fondation Tuck, une nouvelle session de son MOOC sur la transition énergétique : « Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future ».
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IFP School is preparing its first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the subject of sustainable mobility. This free distance learning course will address engine design whilst fully integrating

You will experiment with a new interactive way to learn while applying your knowledge to real case studies in a “serious game”, designed specifically for this MOOC! Join the IFP MOOC “Oil & Gas: from exploration to production” Published on March 9, 2016 March 9, 2016 • 6 Likes • 0 Comments CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT This is to recognize that completed all online courses and assessments offered by IFP School on: MOOC OIL & GAS FROM EXPLORATION TO DISTRIBUTION SESSION 2016 – 4 WEEKS Philippe PINCHON Dean of IFP School May 9, 2016 link: CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT This is to recognize that completed all online courses and assessments offered by IFP School on: MOOC OIL & GAS FROM EXPLORATION TO … FR - [MOOC] 朗 Bonne nouvelle le #MOOC #Transitionénergétique arrive ! Après le succès des deux premières sessions, IFP School lancera dès le 8 mars la 3e édition du MOOC « Transition We are very pleased to inform you that the 2017 edition of the IFP School Oil & Gas MOOC, “From exploration to distribution” supported by Total is scheduled to start on October 9, 2017. The two previous editions of our free MOOC on the oil & gas chain attracted more than 42,800 people from 148 countries. The IFP School MOOC (Massive Open On-line Course) on “Sustainable mobility: technical and environmental challenges for the automotive sector”, launched in 2014 and awarded “best training device for Education” by the Cegos group, will soon come out with a new edition. IFP School, die Graduiertenschule für Energie- und Transportberufe, startet ihren ersten kostenlosen Online-Kurs IFP School bietet ersten MOOC zu nachhaltiger Mobilität an LMS - MOOC 17 Masters programs at IFP School Sustainable Mobility MOOC LMS - IFP SCHOOL Outcomes IFP School DIPLOMA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION New resources for our students @ school RESSOURCES • Videos • Quiz • Peer to peer • Serious Game 18. To learn more about the three MOOCs offered by IFP School: Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a Low-Carbon Future, supported by the Total Foundation and the Tuck Foundation.

IFP School, with the support of Total Foundation and in partnership with Fondation Tuck, is launching a new session of its MOOC on the energy transition: “Energy Transition: Innovation Towards a …

Après le succès de la troisième édition de son précédent MOOC sur la Mobilité durable – plus de 5 700 inscrits et un taux de satisfaction de 95 % - IFP School lance un tout nouveau MOOC sur la Mobilité de demain, réalisé en collaboration avec IFP Training et Vedecom. IFP Training provides public and in-house Oil & Gas courses in exploration, production, refining, chemicals, economics, management, IC engines and lubricants. 14 Feb 2020 Last days to register and follow the IFP School MOOC on "Energy Transition: Innovation towards a Low Carbon Future"!

With the support of the Total Foundation and in association with the Tuck Foundation,IFP School has launched the second edition of its MOOC from 27 January 2020 :"Energy Transition: innovation towards a low-carbon future".Participants have until 13 March to complete their session!Registrations are closed from February 26th. Presentation of the IFP Oil & Gas MOOC supported by Total – Total Education – FV/CC – February 2016 6 Complete courses conceived by professors of the renowned French Petroleum Institute (IFP), in the form of mini-videos (5 to 10 min) to watch at your convenience 7d/7, 24h/24. Approximately 1h of video every week.